PATRICK MAMELI heeft voorlopig een punt gezet achter PESTILENCE om zich volledig te kunnen concentreren op zijn nieuwe death/jazz fusionproject NECROMORPH. In een persbericht zegt Mameli: As of now, Pestilence is no longer active in recording new material. As a matter of fact, it’s on a permanent hold, as I want to concentrate fully on my new project Necromorph. The style will be more brutal, more crazy, more tech, more futuristic and more death. I’m pretty sure all my fans will dig this!
Please don’t be sad about Pestilence. We’ve been holding the Pest flag strong for 25 years and we feel it’s now done. I thank all my fans for being there and supporting us all the way.
If there is any interest in Pestilence doing old school shows in the future, me and Patrick Uterwijk, will surely think about the options. I thank all the Pestilence members since ’86 for their musical talent and input.
HAILZ TO THE FANS, we all love you. Now, let’s give birth to NECROMORPH!!!!!!