
Afgelopen zaterdag is bassist Jimmy Bain, bekend van Rainbow, Wild HorsesDio en Last In Line, overleden. Bain stierf tijdens de Def Leppards “Hysteria On The High Seas” cruise alwaar hij met Last In Line optrad.

De Schotse bassist wekte mee aan diverse albums van Thin Lizzy, Phil Lynott, Gary Moore, 3 Legged Dogg en World War III. Jimmy Bain was al langere tijd ziek. Hij werd 68 jaar.

Gitarist Vivian Campbell meldde op internet: „It’s with the heaviest of hearts that I must confirm the news of the passing of our dear friend and Last In Line band-mate, Jimmy Bain. It was Jimmy who gave me my first big break in the music industry and for that I am forever indebted. Jimmy was immensely proud of our new album and his input to it was immeasurable. We will continue to celebrate his life through his music. On behalf of Vinny and Andrew, our thoughts and condolences are with his family at this most difficult of times. Rest in peace, dear friend.”

Jimmy Bain is te zien in „Starmaker” de nieuwe clip van het Last In Line-debuut ‘Heavy Crown’. Het album zal op 19 februari door Frontiers uitgebracht worden.
